Thursday, March 29, 2018

A memory!

Almost a decade back I saw a beautiful dream...
A silent lake, lotus, myself going in, snake bodies, and peace. 

A message

I saw ---
I was in Dharamshala, in a temple, and going to visit an inner, secret chamber. There is someone who will give insight about future path in life. But I have to wait because there are many other people waiting and its crowded...
Guess, I need to declutter the inner world to reach my inner chamber and guiding light!

Why bother?

I need to reconnect with my inner self to access its richness and beauty...

Reconnecting With My Forgotten Self

Its been long since I regularly saw symbolic, meaningful, mystical dreams. Probably an online journal will help in re-connecting with such a forgotten, moist part within. Without it I feel dry. When in touch of this part, I feel as if in a rain soaked world of nature... 

A memory!

Almost a decade back I saw a beautiful dream... A silent lake, lotus, myself going in, snake bodies, and peace.  ...